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The benefits of water were already known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, but it was not until the 1980s when the advantages of exercising in water, aquagym, came to the forefront. This was thanks to a famous Italian actress, Eleonora Vallone, who, after suffering a car accident, received rehabilitation in the water with this method, and set up a school for aqua fitness teachers in Rome. This is the origin of aquagym.


These days, aquagym uses repetitive movements in the water accompanied by music. Movements can be performed with or without equipment, and a wide range of materials can be used to control the intensity of the exercises. There is less gravity in the water, the body weighs less and there is less impact on the joints, while the density of water resists our movements, forcing us to expend more effort. As we have already said, the aquagym consists of repeating low-impact movements under the water, which forces us to work harder, and it is here, hence the benefits of this method, since strength-resistance work with a moderate load is the ideal for strengthening the joints, is highly recommended for joint damage and is suitable for older people. Repetitive movements to music also have cardiovascular benefits, a further advantage of this activity.


Among the general benefits of aquagym are: Cardiovascular and respiratory improvement. Strength-resistance workout. Improved flexibility. Improved coordination. Improved postural correction (balance). Remember that group classes offered by many gyms or swimming pools are designed for healthy people, and after an injury, aquagym should be done after consulting a specialist in physical exercise. Because this activity takes place in the water there is no risk of falling, it is particularly suitable for the elderly, who feel confident and safe doing the exercises or movements which motivates them to make progress. These improvements encourage them to continue, forming relationships with their peers, creating bonds of friendship, and improving at a psychological level. Overall, aquagym is strength-resistance exercise with low impact on the joints. Anyone can do it because the movements are quite simple, and there is little risk of injury, and it’s also a fun, enjoyable activity.


D. Javier Payá Cabanes – Degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


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