Once again, on the 4th of February we commemorate World Cancer Day, a date that seeks to raise awareness and prevent the population from a disease that affects more and more people.
Our ASSSA Enric Valor Chess Club was proclaimed regional champion of the Valencian Community in the U18 category, and runner-up in the U12 category, in the Regional Age Group Championship of the Valencian Community held in Canals (Valencia).
In ASSSA we believe in spreading the word as a way of highlighting and raising awareness of the importance of prevention and health care. Following this purpose, we are launching a new issue of our ASSSA Magazine. The new magazine, which is now available online and in different languages, deals with a variety of current […]
Committed to offering quality health care, we have opened a new Medical Directory in the provinces of Malaga and Cordoba, as a result of different agreements with leading doctors and medical centres, and the integration of the Medical Directory of Previsión Médica, a recently absorbed company.
We continue to expand our Medical Directory in order to provide high-quality healthcare. On this occasion, we are including 5 clinics from the Affidea Group in the province of Valencia: Clínica Atenea Torrente, Clínica Atenea L’Eliana, Clínica Tecma in Alzira, Affidea Sermesa Mislata, and Affidea Sermesa Pobla.
In ASSSA we are 90 years old, and what better way to promote this milestone than through our Calendar 2025, a corporate article of great importance. In it, we highlight key points of our Company, reflecting its history and showing its evolution and growth.
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In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection, the customer grants the express free and unequivocal consent to the person in charge of treatment AGRUPACIÓN SANITARIA SEGUROS, S.A. in order to calculate the insurance, provide a quote, follow-up of the proposal and offer promotions or opportunities in relation to the application made. For this purpose, we inform you that your data will not be disclosed to third parties, except legal obligation and they shall be retained for a maximum period of 2 years unless there is mutual interest in monitoring the application, then the data will be anonymised and used for statistical analysis. The interested party may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, cancellation, limitation of treatment and portability by writing to the following postal address. AVDA ALFONSO X EL SABIO, 14, ENTRESUELO, 03004, ALICANTE or contact the Data Protection Delegate at dpo@asssa.es as well as file a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.aepd.es). For more information, see the extended information in the Privacy Policy.
Este reglamento tiene por objeto regular el funcionamiento del Servicio de Atención al Cliente y del Defensor del Asegurado de ASSSA, así como las relaciones entre ambos. Se rige por la Ley 44/2002 de 22 de noviembre, de Medidas de Reforma del Sistema Financiero y por la Orden ECO 734/2004, de 11 de marzo, sobre los departamentos y servicios de atención al cliente de las entidades financieras.
El Reglamento para la defensa del asegurado puede solicitarlo en la siguiente dirección de correo: sacquejasyreclamaciones@asssa.es.