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Health insurance Quality health insurance in Spain especially designed for expats

Your health in good hands


Various levels of coverage to meet your needs

Access to quality private healthcare

With ASSSA Basic we offer you the opportunity to have access to our personalized and professional service, and also to a comprehensive medical directory with top doctors and the best private clinics.
  • icono Experience Experts in Health Insurance for 90 years.
  • icono In your language Personal and professional assistance in your language. Policy documents available in several languages.
  • icono Immediate access to specialists and private medical services with no waiting lists.
  • icono From day one cover for private GP´s, specialists and emergency hospitals.
  • icono Top doctors and the best private clinics.
  • icono High tech diagnosis methods
  • icono Surgical operations with no waiting lists.
  • icono Private room for surgical and medical in-patient hospitalisation with bed for companion.
  • icono Medical travel cover International assistance in emergencies. Including repatriation.
  • icono Join up to 79 Maximum entry age (if older, please consult).

Benefit from our extensive coverage

With ASSSA Standard we offer you healthcare with extensive medical, surgical and hospital coverage.
  • icono Suitable health insurance for Visa and Residencia
  • icono Experience Experts in Health Insurance for 90 years.
  • icono In your language Personal and professional assistance in your language. Policy documents available in several languages.
  • icono Immediate access to specialist and private medical services with no waiting lists.
  • icono From day one cover for private GP´s, specialists and emergency hospitals.
  • icono Top doctors and the best private clinics.
  • icono High tech diagnosis methods
  • icono Surgical operations with no waiting lists.
  • icono Private room for surgical and medical in-patient hospitalisation with bed for companion.
  • icono Medical travel cover International assistance in emergencies. Including repatriation.
  • icono Join up to 74 Maximum entry age (if older, please consult).
  • icono Special treatments Oncology with chemo and radiotherapy, artificial kidney and dialysis for acute renal failure, etc.

Think about your health and anticipate illness

With ASSSA Plus we provide you with healthcare with comprehensive coverage and preventive medical check-up.
  • icono Suitable health insurance for Visa and Residencia
  • icono Experience Experts in Health Insurance for 90 years.
  • icono In your language Personal and professional assistance in your language. Policy documents available in several languages.
  • icono Immediate access to specialist and private medical services with no waiting lists.
  • icono From day one cover for private GP´s, specialists and emergency hospitals.
  • icono Top doctors and the best private clinics.
  • icono High tech diagnosis methods
  • icono Surgical operations with no waiting lists.
  • icono Private room for surgical and medical in-patient hospitalisation with bed for companion.
  • icono Medical travel cover International assistance in emergencies. Incluiding repatriation.
  • icono Join up to 74 Maxium entry age (if older, please consult).
  • icono Special treatments Oncology with chemo and radiotherapy, artificial kidney and dialysis for acute renal failure, etc.
  • icono Preventive medicine with annual check-up.

Take care of your health with our most comprehensive medical directory insurance

With ASSSA Master we provide you a comprehensive medical coverage to guarantee your peace of mind.
  • icono Suitable health insurance for Visa and Residencia
  • icono Experience Experts in Health Insurance for 90 years.
  • icono In your language Personal and professional assistance in your language. Policy documents available in several languages.
  • icono Immediate access to specialists and private medical services with no waiting lists.
  • icono From day one cover for private GP´s, specialists and emergency hospitals.
  • icono Top doctors and the best private clinics.
  • icono High tech diagnosis methods
  • icono Surgical operations with no waiting lists.
  • icono Medical travel cover International assistance in emergencies. Including repatriation.
  • icono Join up to 74 Maximum entry age (if older, please consult).
  • icono Special treatments Oncology with chemo and radiotherapy, artificial kidney and dialysis for acute renal failure, etc.
  • icono Unlimited hospitalisation including medication in medical and surgical hospitalisation with an extra bed for an accompanying person in a private room.
  • icono Preventive medicine with extensive annual check-up.
  • icono Coverage for Prostheses

Ensure your well-being with our elite insurance

With ASSSA Summum we include more benefits and free choice of doctors with cost reimbursement.
  • icono Suitable health insurance for Residencia
  • icono Experience Experts in Health Insurance for 90 years.
  • icono In your language Personal and professional assistance in your language. Policy documents available in several languages.
  • icono Immediate Access to specialists and private medical services with no waiting lists.
  • icono From day one cover for private GP´s, specialists and emergency hospitals.
  • icono Top doctors and the best private clinics.
  • icono High tech diagnosis methods
  • icono Surgical operations with no waiting lists.
  • icono Medical travel cover International assistance in emergencies. Including repatriation.
  • icono Join up to 74 Maximum entry age (if older, please consult).
  • icono Special treatments Oncology with chemo and radiotherapy, artificial kidney and dialysis for acute renal failure, etc.
  • icono Unlimited hospitalisation including medication in medical and surgical hospitalisation with an extra bed for an accompanying person in a private room.
  • icono Preventive medicine with complete annual medical check-up.
  • icono Coverage for Prostheses Breast prosthesis in post-mastectomy reconstructions included, among others.
  • icono Free choice of doctors with cost reimbursement private GP’s, paediatricians and specialists.
  • icono Economic compensation for hospitalisation from the fourth day of hospitalisation.


Date of birth



“At our age (73) there are not a lot of options, but ASSSA has covered us and has done so affordably.”

Bernie Moscovitz and Clare Taylor – Policies 42.595 and 42.596


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      Este reglamento tiene por objeto regular el funcionamiento del Servicio de Atención al Cliente y del Defensor del Asegurado de ASSSA, así como las relaciones entre ambos. Se rige por la Ley 44/2002 de 22 de noviembre, de Medidas de Reforma del Sistema Financiero y por la Orden ECO 734/2004, de 11 de marzo, sobre los departamentos y servicios de atención al cliente de las entidades financieras.

      El Reglamento para la defensa del asegurado puede solicitarlo en la siguiente dirección de correo: sacquejasyreclamaciones@asssa.es.
