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Zirconium Implants

The next step in dentistry is rehabilitation with implants, an option which is possible without using metals.

What is a zirconium implant?

Zirconium implants are dental implants used to replace missing teeth. They are manufactured with Zirconium dioxide (Y-TZP).

10 reasons for using zirconia implants

1. Biocompatibility and integration

Zirconium is completely biocompatible wich is why osteintegration is so succesful between implant and bone.

2. Allergies and sensitivity

Nowadays, large numbers of patients suffer from allergies, sensitivity and other skin and immunological problems that make it impossible to use of metal implants.

3. Holistic material

The zirconium implants used by Dr. Mirave do not interfere with the energy meridians. They are classified as bio-inert.

4. Hardness

Durability is one of the most advantages of this system. Implants are designed to resist masticatory forces and occlusion so that they stand the test of time.

5. Piece design

The implants we use are called monoblock implants because they are made in one piece. This means the interface does not fracture and it prevents bacterial growth.

6. One-step surgery

One surgical intervention is all that is required, because these implants are designed to be fitted at the same time as the extraction. They can be installed without lifting gum flaps and require no incisions or sutures. Also, when a tooth has been lost earlier, the implant can be fitted with no need for a second surgery to open the gap.

7. Convenient

8. Corrosion resistant

Zirconium is resistant to chemical corrosion and is a thermal and electric insulator.

9.Electric insulation

Because zirconium has no electrical conductivity it is more difficult for bacteria to adhere to the surface.

10. Aesthetics

Zirconium is white, so there is no transparency at gum level and there are no metal rings where the implant meets the gum.



Dr. Francisco Miravé Mesegué – Specialist Rehabilitation and Maxillofacial Prosthetics.

Dra. Mayte Miravé Mesegué – Master in Periodontology

Centro Odontológico Drs. Miravé


ASSSA Dental Insurance



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