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The Pilates method was created by Joseph Hubertus Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a form of exercise used primarily for functional recovery, although it has been used in the training area for some time now and is taught in gyms and other specific centres.Very generally speaking, it can be defined as the simple set of exercises which must completed during a Pilates session. This way of doing Pilates is common in group classes and is precisely what should be avoided.

Because of the good publicity this method has received, it has grown increasingly popular over the years. One example of this is the number of celebrities who do Pilates.

Entrepreneurs saw the benefits of developing the method, giving it a different format and focus to the first, original exercises devised by Mr Pilates. To do the first exercises perfectly you must be in good shape and have excellent control because they are complex and there is a risk of injury if they are not done correctly.

Among the principles of the Pilates method are the flow and control with which the exercises must be done. They should also be supervised by a teacher. To achieve these aims, it is important to understand that group classes mean lower quality and they are less effective because it is very difficult for just one person to supervise 15 or 20 students. That’s why it’s better to have individual or small group classes.

One of the good things about the Pilates method is that it combines numerous exercises and works almost all the body’s joints in most directions. That doesn’t mean that it is advisable to do them all. No two people are the same not everyone can tolerate the strain of the different exercises. Ideally, the instructor is aware of the student’s weaknesses and adapts the exercises accordingly. Correct progression is also important to condition and prepare the body. This is the key to the success of all training techniques, regardless of their trade names or how trendy they are.

A good trainer, whether teaching Pilates or any other method, really understands the effects that a certain exercise will have on his client’s body and knows when the time is right to introduce more advanced exercises. If you are thinking of signing up for a Pilates class, check how many people there will be in the group, how good the teacher is, the suitability of the room, whether you are offered an assessment before starting and whether you will be followed up regularly to see how you are progressing.

D. Juan Antonio Andreo Lillo – Qualified in Phisical Activity & Sports

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