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Oral cleaning

Who hasn´t been told the importance of having one´s teeth cleaned once a year at some time or another? Oral hygiene is of vital importance because of the impact it has on our general health as well as for aesthetic reasons, because the mouth is of the utmost importance when it comes to the image we present to others.

There are areas of the mouth that are very difficult to reach using domestic hygiene methods however meticulous we are when it comes to cleaning our teeth. Dental plaque builds up in these areas (bacteria and the remains of food) leading to the appearance of different conditions such as caries, gingivitis or just tartar build up (mineralised dental plaque), which makes our daily hygiene tasks even more difficult.

A professional scale and polish by a qualified dental practitioner by ultrasound tip is capable of removing the tartar that brushing cannot deal with, also removing stains caused by smoking, coffee and other foods. After this, all the surfaces of the teeth are polished using a brush and an abrasive paste which gets rid of any remaining stains or material and makes it more difficult for plaque to adhere to the surface.

This technique is completely harmless to the teeth and requires no anesthetic because, contrary to what some patients may believe, it is completely painless.

What´s more, the dentist will give all your teeth a check up at the same time. This should take place every six to 12 months depending on each person, and makes it possible to spot the beginning of any conditions, facilitating and simplifying treatment from a technical point of view for the dentist and reducing the expense for the patient. 

Dr. Alfredo Díaz-Valero Escalante – Licensed Dental Practitioner, Association No. 10117

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