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Being alert to Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA is a chronic, inflammatory disorder of the joints which results in pain, stiffness, inflammation and loss of body mobility. It is an autoimmune illness of unknown origin most frequently suffered by persons, mostly women, with a special predisposition: therefore, the origin of a hereditary nature is ruled out. At the moment, there is no known prevention against RA.

However, an early diagnosis, adequate treatment, and observance of some recommendations may help to prevent greater damage to the joints.

Generally, one must avoid a stressful lifestyle, whether physically or psychologically.

It is advisable to start off the day with a hot bath to help lessen morning stiffness. To the extent possible, one must avoid work which requires physical exertion or demands long periods standing up or repetitive movements, particularly with the hands. Likewise, it is also convenient to avoid placing one’s back and neck in a twisted position for long stretches of time. At home, it is preferable to not overexert the hands, for example when opening a screw-top jar wringing wet clothes. As regards physical exercise, it is not healthy to practice contact sport or those which entail regular jumping or shocks. However, walking or swimming may be quite beneficial and, during periods of less inflammation, other sports may be played as long as they do not lead to exhaustion. At night, it is convenient to sleep between 8 and 10 hours on a hard bed and with a low pillow to avoid vending the joints.

Excepting extraordinary cases, there is no diet which modifies the progression of RA but obviously, obesity implies an additional load on the joints; therefore, weight loss or the avoidance of being overweight is recommended. These are just a few universal pieces of advice for living with RA. Nevertheless, when diagnosed with this illness, it is recommendable to follow the particular instructions given by one’s doctor or rheumatologist.

ASSSA Health Insurance


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