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COVID-19 How to deal with de-escalation

For two and a half months we have been confined to our homes as the first and main measure of action in the face of a pandemic situation caused by a highly infectious virus, such as the Coronavirus.

Once the disease and its high contagion power begins to be controlled, we must return to our usual routine and resume work, social and leisure activities outside our home but this should only be done gradually.

Given that both the disease and the contagion zones vary from one area to another, this de-escalation has to occur under strict controls and adapting to rules established by the authorities.

The elements of personal protective equipment (PPE) that we must have and use according to the established standards are the masks and also the two-meter safety distance between people must be respected.

As an adjunct to these measures, it is important to frequently wash your hands with soap and water, the use of hydroalcoholic solutions when this is not possible, the corresponding hygiene of our clothes and utensils used during the time that we have been exposed to infection and above all, being responsible and thinking that caring for ourselves is caring for others. Most important of all is that in the absence of effective treatment and an adequate vaccine, we may only cope with the disease and the spread of the virus by keeping the safety distance and using protective masks.

We have reached this point of de-escalation thanks to the efforts and collaboration of all, proof of this is that we are getting closer to recovering what we have been waiting for so long and adopting the appropriate measures will help us to move forward without fear on this path towards the “new normal”.

Dr. Juan Antonio Andreo Ramírez


ASSSA Health Insurance
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