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COVID-19 Nutritional recommendations

During the confinement we are experiencing, it is important to have a healthy and balanced diet and for this, the Mediterranean diet would be an ideal base to structure a good diet and nutrition.

So long confined time at home could tend to produce weight gain, decrease muscle mass and imbalance intestinal function, among other aspects, in addition to the psychological imbalance that may lead to compulsive and inadequate nutrition.

Following the recommendations of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), we aim to provide a few basic nutritional concepts to keep in mind during these days.

  1. Plan and manage the purchase. When shopping, it is recommended that we make a list beforehand where we include mostly healthy foods, to avoid buying compulsively. There is no shortage of food and food stores are still open, some with the possibility of ordering online or by phone for home delivery or collection at the entrance of the establishment.
  2. Make menus, preferably weekly. We may count on the participation of the whole family, especially children, in this way we teach them basic dietary rules and we include it as one more family activity, so important in this situation.
  3. Adjust the caloric intake to the energy expenditure that we will have in this confinement situation, in order to avoid weight gain.
  4. Hydrate properly during these days since sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular exercise will lead to less fluid intake. We must prioritise the consumption of water, natural juices and infusions during the day.
  5. Make healthy food choices. Daily consumption of fruits, vegetables and protein (eggs, lean meat, fish, dairy…) and carbohydrates (whole grains, quinoa, beans, rice) provide us with vitamins and fiber, very important for the good bowel habit.

To complete these nutritional advice, it is essential to achieve a “clear” mind and to carry out daily exercise.

Dr. Juan Antonio Andreo Ramirez

ASSSA Health Insurance
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