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Urinary Infections in women

An urinary infection is defined as the presence of microorganisms (infection) in any organ in the urinary tract. It becomes more common with age, although it also occurs more frequently during some stages of life and with sex. The usual symptoms are pain and burning when urinating, sometimes with abdominal pain and fever. 

The human urinary system has two parts:

Women tend to get more urinary infections than men, because their urethras are shorter than men’s. Sexually active women are also more likely to suffer from urine infections because sexual relations can cause bacteria to spread up to the bladder. Many women have these infections more than once during their lives. Around 2% to 3% of adult women have cystitis every year.

Types of infection

According to where they are located, they are classified as upper or lower urinary tract infections. Upper urinary tract infections affect the kidneys and lower urinary tract infections affect the bladder and urethra. 

Upper urinary tract infections:

Lower urinary tract infections:


Not everyone who has a urinary infection has symptoms, but most people do. These can include the urge to urinate and pain and burning in the bladder area or urethra when passing urine. It can cause fatigue and an aching body. Women often feel uncomfortable pressure on the public bone. Urine can be reddish or cloudy if blood is present. A fever can mean that the infection has reached the kidneys. Other symptoms of kidney infection include back pain or pain under the ribs, nausea or vomiting. 


The drug of choice and length of treatment depend on the patient’s history and a urine test to identify the bacteria. A sensitivity test is especially useful to help the doctor to choose the most effective drug. 

Provided the urinary infection is not complicated by an obstruction or nervous disorder, it can sometimes be cured with one or two days of treatment. It is very important to take the entire course of treatment because the symptoms may disappear before the infection is completely cured. 

To help to eliminate the bacteria, patients must also drink more than usual during the process. A warm compress on the abdomen can also provide some relief. 

It is important to visit your general practitioner from time to time if you have any of the above symptoms. She will be able to recommend the most appropriate treatment.



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ASSSA advises you to always consult your doctor about any issue concerning your health.


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