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What is Yoga?

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning “to hold, direct and concentrate the mind for its application”.  This age-old discipline is a perfect ancient science. It’s connected with the evolution of humanity.

“This evolution includes all aspects of the self, from physical health through to one’s own fulfilment. Yoga cultivates the means to maintain a balanced attitude to everyday life” (B.K.S.Iyengar).

This practice is not linked to any kind of cult and can be used by anyone who is interested in improving the way they live their life. It can be approached as a philosophy of life and a universal religion.

There are many different ways of practising yoga, although all the styles are one. The Iyengar style is characterised by seeking the correct alignment of the body, technical precision and maximum care in assuming each adjustment in each “asana” (pose), with an attitude of permanent observation of the correct pose, that is, a perfect body-mind connection.

In this practice, we use the help of materials (supports) such as blankets, belts, blocks, chairs, etc. We also practice in pairs, in teams, etc., to make the exercises easy for anyone to do, no matter their age or level of physical fitness. This means we enable people to fully understand each pose.


Yoga has countless benefits and practising it works the spine directly, relieving discomfort and, in many cases, completely eliminating the back pain that has become so much a part of our everyday routine. The conscious execution of the “asanas” helps to correct our posture as we go about our day-to-day business. Yoga is beneficial for the nervous system, regulating and leading to amazing improvements to all our body’s vital systems, changing us into calmer and more relaxed people and making us feel well, both physically and mentally.

Another of its most important benefits is rest. When someone starts practising yoga their quality of sleep, and therefore their life, improves.

It is also ideal for sportspeople as it strengthens the immune system and improves technique.


It is important that we all choose a style that is suitable for our own everyday needs and general preferences.

The only authentic yoga is the one that works for a particular person and fits in with their circumstances and needs. There are many options, but always make sure you learn with a qualified teacher.

“We should look after our body, as it is the temple of the soul” (B.K.S Iyengar).


Raúl Camarasa Bastante – AIPYS qualified Yoga Teacher

Fochtman Clinic (Alicante)


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