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Why practice Yogilates?

In general, we tend to associate the practice of any exercise with burning calories and shaping a figure as close as possible to the wonders of Photoshop, though the price to be paid is long hours at the gym. Most of us fail to reach the desired objectives because quality is much more important than quantity with regards to the type of sport and time we dedicate to it for sake of getting into shape.

What if with Yogilates we achieve the yearned for effects and benefits? These are what truly motivate us at the moment of dedicating a certain amount of effort and determined number of hours of our valuable time.

Why do Yogilates? It’s a complete and efficient system which, in addition, has considerable benefits and helps us to feel better both physically and mentally. Though a newcomer to Europe, it has been popular and practised in the United States for at least a decade now. Jonathan Urla, an American dancer, athlete, yoga and Pilates trainer, had the brilliant idea of combining the flexibility and mental control of the first with the strength and toning up of the second.

The similarity between yoga and Pilates is incredible. Yoga was already known and practised in India about five thousand years ago, while Pilates is no more than one hundred years old. It is no coincidence that its German creator, Joseph Pilates, a great athlete who developed the method for the rehabilitation of the ill during the First World War, was inspired by yoga.

The birth of Yogilates arises from the affinity which always existed amongst the followers of yoga and Pilates

It includes about 300 complementary exercises at various levels which one must practice with constancy and always in sessions corresponding to one’s level (beginner, intermediary or advanced). Each session includes movements, exercises and postures which progressively build up our strength, capacity and control.

Results are gradually achieved more safely and pleasantly by working each body area, at first independently and later in combination, insisting on the lumbar and abdomen to tone up and flatten the belly. Thanks to respiratory exercises and postures characteristic to yoga, greater flexibility and mental control are achieved. Lastly, it helps us with our eating habits and food choices, reduces anxiety by combating it with positive energy resulting of its regular practise.

Those who practise Yogilates may experience many benefits, such as:

At a time when we all seek to look and feel good, but due to our modern lifestyle are somewhat disconcerted when faced with a wide spectrum of physical activities from which to choose, mind-body disciplines stand out for combining basic concepts that favour and maintain our physical, mental and emotional equilibrium.

Karina Gonda García – Professor of Yoguilates and graduate of Classic Dance

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