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Nowadays, the idea that practising any kind of physical exercise is healthy and beneficial for mind and body has gained a firm foothold in people’s minds. One of the most common sports is running, because apart from being free, you don’t need to be part of a group and it doesn’t require a qualified instructor or special equipment. This was the basic theory up to now, but in recent years, there has been a running boom in the fullest meaning of the term. 

Running is no longer a question of putting on a pair of trainers and just running. Nowadays, the concept covers a whole world associated with the practice, with an endless series of aspects. From the simplest through to technology designed exclusively for running. This technology means you can not only run better, it also gives you the chance to record all your physiological and biochemical data (heart rate, lactic acid concentration, oxygen consumption and so on).

Before embarking on any kind of physical activity it is advisable to get a medical check-up and be monitored by a health professional, who can guide you on the times and intensity of your workouts, especially if you’re planning to enter some kind of race or competition. It should also be said that there has been a rise in the cases of people dying, even during fun races of the sort held in various cities all over the world. People mistakenly think that they can run a certain number of kilometres without needing any kind of training. You need at least some basic knowledge to be able to start running properly, such as deciding on the number of sessions you’ll be doing per week, intensity, pace, duration, etc. All these factors will make running a pleasant experience.

On the whole, there are two sides to practising this kind of activity. Some do it for health reasons, maybe to lose weight, lower cholesterol levels or to control diabetes and blood pressure levels. Others do it for the adrenalin rush, competing in highly demanding events, trying to improve their times in each race or even pushing beyond their own personal limits.

This sport has become a real trend. There’s hardly a weekend goes by without an event or charity race. Multinationals have joined in, creating all kinds of accessories and equipment. Because of the massive demand, there is huge competition and the range of running-related products has grown exponentially. You can buy technical clothing that enables you to run in any situation, no matter the weather, and shoes designed to be specific to your running gait, how many times you run a week and where you run.

In conclusion, running is definitely becoming a more widespread sport that includes enthusiasts from all ages and walks of life.

D. Juan Antonio Andreo Lillo – Qualified in Phisical Activity & Sports


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