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Good food is the best medicine

Every day we’re more aware that eating a balanced diet benefits the quality of our health and this is illustrated by the Bloomberg Healthiest Country index, which places Spain in first place as the healthiest country. One of the factors that put us at the top is the Mediterranean diet.The habit of following a healthy diet isn’t just something we think about when we eat at home, it also applies to when we eat out, so nowadays we can find different restaurant options offering a huge variety of healthy and tasty dishes.

To find out more, we interviewed acclaimed Chef Gema Penalva.

A good Mediterranean diet, with locally sourced products, more vegetables, more legumes, fewer carbohydrates, preferably wholegrain, and fewer fried and fast foods.

Yes, and of course it’s getting more and more common, in the end good food is the best medicine.

We opted for this type of cuisine right from the start, as we’re lucky enough to have wonderful produce in our markets.

I think I’d say vegetarian diets, almost all the items on our menu can be adapted to suit most people’s needs.

Yes, more and more people come to us asking for dishes that don’t contain meat or fish. We substitute these foods with seeds, legumes, seaweed, nuts, at the moment there are lots of foods that can replace the ones we obtain from animals.

We don’t have a nutritionist, but we are fortunate to collaborate in a Master’s degree in dietetics and nutrition at the University of Alicante.

We combine legumes, vegetables, meat and fish, etc., we don’t overdo the carbohydrates and we don’t use fried or pre-cooked foods, as they contain a lot of sugar.

In our restaurant, wine and beer are the biggest sellers, but we are finding that people are consuming fewer soft drinks and drinking more water.

Almost all our vegetables come from the local area, eggs from Muchamiel, fresh fish from the Central Market (Mercado Central) of Alicante, and we always choose seasonal produce. This is still our philosophy, we’re in the Mediterranean and we must make the most of it.

I’d say we must take this seriously, a good diet along with a little bit of sport can change your life, and forget about miracle diets.

At the moment we’re serving a brochette with oily fish, bimi, tosaka seaweed and wasabi root, or a large single cannelloni which instead of being made with pasta is made with tomato water and filled with chicken in escabeche marinade.

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