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How to stay motivated with sports

January 22, 2025Health Tips

The key to enjoying sport and making it effective is consistency. However, it is common for laziness to set in at some point. For this reason, and in order to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, the quintessential disease of the 21st century, it is essential to combat it.

Some keys to staying motivated with sports are listed below:

It is important to remember that sport is fundamental to staying healthy. It has an impact on your body and on your physical and mental well-being.

Every little achievement counts and deserves to be celebrated. It’s important that the rewards are healthy: buying new workout clothes, booking a massage session, etc…

Setting pretentious long-term goals can be discouraging, as day-to-day progress is not visible. Therefore, the challenges must be affordable and adaptable to the physical condition of each individual.

It is important to find a friend so that you can motivate each other, as well as to find a training place close to you and with a timetable adapted to your particular needs. Group classes are also a good way to team up with other people.

Washing your hair or putting the washing machine on only after exercise is a way to motivate yourself to train and feel that you have achieved your goal.

During the hardest and most tedious exercises, listening to music, audio books or podcasts is often a great way to distract yourself from fatigue.

Training on the same days and at the same time every day can help you to avoid making excuses.

Trying new sports not only keeps you motivated, but also allows you to work other muscle groups.


Furthermore, you should choose a sport that you find appealing and fun, as well as complementing gym sessions with group sports such as paddle tennis, tennis, football, volleyball, etc.

In conclusion, the better disposition, discipline and good attitude you have, the more predisposed you will be to train, enjoy the process and take care of your health.

ASSSA Health Insurance
The information published in this media neither substitutes nor complements in any way the direct supervision of a doctor, his diagnosis or the treatment that he may prescribe. It should also not be used for self-diagnosis.
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ASSSA advises you to always consult your doctor about any issue concerning your health.

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