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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment

September 25, 2024Technology

With its many benefits, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment is aimed at improving skin quality and acting on fine wrinkles, spots, rosacea and dilated capillaries.

It’s one of the most popular and up-to-date treatments, used to restore the skin’s natural beauty quickly, painlessly, respectfully and with no need for a recovery period.

How does it work?

When IPL is applied, the skin absorbs light energy and triggers the skin response of fibroblasts, a group of cells that form connective tissue and whose function is to connect, support and help maintain the integrity of the various tissues in the body. The fibroblasts then start to produce collagen, the body’s most important protein for tissue repair and giving skin strength and flexibility.

This procedure makes it possible to heighten skin luminosity and obtain a plumper texture, improving and evening-out skin tone, all without damaging the skin. In addition to all this, skin takes on a better appearance, as it reduces the size of pores and closes them. With IPL, an overall rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolleté and hands is achieved.

The treatment is also very complete, as it’s possible to treat different skin conditions and signs of ageing in the same session. Specifically, these are:


Treatment considerations

At the time of treatment it’s essential that the skin is as untanned as possible so that the contrast with the lesions is greater, thereby maximising results and minimising risks.

The sessions last approximately 30 minutes and after completing them the patient can resume their normal daily activity. To be effective, we recommend leaving 4 to 6 weeks between sessions, always taking into account the patient’s response and the type of lesions treated. In most cases, treatment is completed with 2-4 sessions.

After the session the skin is more sensitive, so high factor sun protection should be applied to the treated area as well as creams that will help with skin repair.

Dr. Verónica Mora

Medical-Surgical Dermatology and Venereology Specialist

Inederm Clinic

ASSSA Health Insurance
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