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Sports Injuries

In recent years, body worship has increased spectacularly in the world´s most advanced societies. This has encouraged a great many people to spend part of the day doing physical exercise.

This desire to feel better and to look good to others has made society more physically active. However, more physical exercise also means more injuries sustained while doing sport. Without the intention of saying that doing sport causes certain injuries, it is true that inadequate preparation and exercise can result in injury, either due to a strain or incorrect practices.


The human body is a structure made up of different elements (bones, joints, muscles, and tendons), which are affected by all types of stress, whether this be training in the gym, during a tennis match, a morning round of golf, lifting too much weight after shopping in the supermarket or after spending an eight-hour day in front of the computer. Our bodies experience all types of “impacts” during the day, and this repetitive aggression received by the locomotor system may potentially cause injuries.

In short, adequate physical preparation and specific control by healthcare and sports professionals lead to significant improvements in health through sport, at the same time avoiding and added risk of sports industries.


Fewer injuries mean better general health and lower healthcare cost. All this adds up to wellbeing which has an impact on several aspects of daily life, less absenteeism from work caused by time off due to injuries, and certainly better productivity form the employee, not to mention benefits in the social and family areas.

This short comment is designed to highlight and draw attention to the advantages of making sure that sport is done regularly as well as correctly and safely, both to achieve suitable physical fitness and because of the great impact, it has on the health of those who do it.


D. Juan Antonio Andreo Lillo- Qualified in Physical Activity and Sports


ASSSA Health Insurance

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