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The Importance of Age in Health Insurance

Age is very important in health insurance since it is one of the factors that determine your contracting along with the price. Insurance companies establish a maximum age of entry and consider the age when assessing the risk of acceptance of a new policyholder.

 In ASSSA we offer a wide range of entry age to insure people, we even offer the possibility of consulting those cases in which the established maximum age is exceeded. In addition, there is no maximum age of permanence, so the policyholder may be insured for life.

As a general rule, companies determine the price of insurance at the time of contracting based on age brackets. Many interested parties are concerned and ask us if ASSSA increases the price when they reach an age in a higher age bracket. At ASSSA we do not increase the premium for completing years, we take into account the age at the time of contracting, so the price of the insurance will always remain in the age bracket with which it has been contracted. This warranty provides peace of mind and confirms that the investment in health has been successful.

Another concern to note that unsettles those interested prior to hiring is, if the time comes, when they have an advance age or even having developed some medical issues if we may unilaterally cancel the policy, leaving them unprotected, after several years of being insured, and with great difficulty finding another company that accepts them. At ASSSA we guarantee by contract that we do not cancel the policy due to age, disease or use, so we offer our policyholders lifetime coverage and the security of feeling truly protected by their Company.

At ASSSA we strive so that more and more people have access to quality private healthcare, benefiting from the exclusive benefits and guarantees of our insurances and the experience of our 85 years in healthcare.


ASSSA Health Insurance
The information published in this media neither substitutes nor complements in any way the direct supervision of a doctor, his diagnosis or the treatment that he may prescribe. It should also not be used for self-diagnosis.
The exclusive responsibility for the use of this service lies with the reader.
ASSSA advises you to always consult your doctor about any issue concerning your health.

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    Este reglamento tiene por objeto regular el funcionamiento del Servicio de Atención al Cliente y del Defensor del Asegurado de ASSSA, así como las relaciones entre ambos. Se rige por la Ley 44/2002 de 22 de noviembre, de Medidas de Reforma del Sistema Financiero y por la Orden ECO 734/2004, de 11 de marzo, sobre los departamentos y servicios de atención al cliente de las entidades financieras.

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