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Cervical Health (Cervix) and detecting diseases

The neck of the womb or cervix is the lower part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina. It is crossed by the cervical canal, which joins the vagina and the uterus.

Pelvic examination is a way of detecting pathologies related to the cervix, in which samples are taken by scraping (cervical cytology) and subjected to the Papanicolaou (Pap) smear test and HPV (human papilloma virus) texts. If alterations are detected a colposcopy is performed. This is a thorough search for diseases using a biopsy where the pathological anatomy of the sample can be examined.

The pathologies we might find range from an inflammation or infection of the cervix to dysplasia with presence of abnormal cells in tissues or an organ that could develop into cancer. This cancer is slow to develop and often asymptomatic in the early stages, so it is not detected if a pelvic examination is not performed. Almost all the cancers of the cervix are caused by HPV, regarded as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). There are multiple strains of HPV and not all of them are carcinogenic.

Risk factors that favour the appearance of this disease include:


When the cervix is exposed to HPV, the immune system tries to prevent the cervical mucosa from being affected and its cells are altered, although this is not always achieved and over a long period of time, even years, cells become altered (dysplasia) and undergo DNA mutations to turn into cancer cells.

At present, prevention is the most effective weapon for fighting these diseases. The use of condoms, monitoring the predisposing factors already mentioned and vaccination are some of the most important preventive factors to consider.

The HPV vaccine prevents the majority of cases, since it contains the main strains of the virus, enabling our bodies to defend themselves. It should be administered at age 11 – 12 years to both boys and girls. The vaccine is not contraindicated in older individuals, although it is advisable before starting sexual relations, as this increases its protective efficacy.


ASSSA Health Insurance
The information published in this media neither substitutes nor complements in any way the direct supervision of a doctor, his diagnosis or the treatment that he may prescribe. It should also not be used for self-diagnosis.
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ASSSA advises you to always consult your doctor about any issue concerning your health.

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