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COVID-19 Rest and routine during confinement

We are faced with an unusual situation that distances us from our usual routine and rhythm of life. Suddenly we find ourselves at home having to deal with a situation of isolation day after day within the same space, something that may be tedious and somewhat chaotic if not managed properly.

It is essential to plan the time of our routine. This will help us to cope with this state, therefore, it is convenient to combine four essential aspects of our life: rest, personal care, responsibilities and leisure.


The phases we go through during isolation are not linear, there are times when we may feel a sense of stress and confusion, one of the key factors in combating them will be rest.

We recommend creating relaxation habits, such as being silent for about 30 minutes a day and spending a few moments meditating, exercises that will help us relax and clear our minds.

Sleep will have an essential role in our routine, for this, it is important to establish a time to get up and go to bed, as well as avoid staying up late and prolonging the time in bed more than necessary.

Practicing physical exercise will also contribute to our rest, since we channel our energy and help to get rid of possible stress, thus obtaining a better rest.


Starting the day calmly with a shower, dressing in street clothes and even putting on the perfume we usually wear, will maintain our self-esteem and the time structure of the day. Staying in pajamas all day may make us depressed and contributes to losing the notion of time.


During these moments it is very important to establish a schedule to lead an orderly life and for this the ideal is to maintain order and daily cleanliness, since it will bring greater harmony and well-being at home.

For those who work at home, to the extent that space allows, we will improvise a home office to define the workspace, as far as possible from distractions.


Let us not forget that leisure is also a fundamental component when it comes to coping with our routine. There are numerous options in which to invest our time, such as reading, music or drawing. It is a good time to resume and enjoy our hobbies and even encourage us to initiate in those that due to lack of time we have postponed.

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